Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 27 Hagetmau - Sault de Navailles 16km

Day 27: Hagetmau (pronounced Ajitmo) - Sault de Navailles (16km). We passed the border from Les Landes into Pyrennees Atlantique - spitting distance now from the Spanish border. The experience of moving rapidly through the seasons from the cold of winter, speeded up spring and now into early summer is very special.

Sign to remind us what we are doing

The coquille stone at Pont de la Reine

Info at le pont de reine

Pain au raisin elevenses

The river Le Louts and lavoire in Hagetmau

Leaving Hagetmau; palm trees now part of the scenery

We have passed so many of these (every village)
thought we should take a photo of one


  1. You are getting close to meeting the pilgrims on the Puy-en-Velay route. Thank you for allowing me to visualize and read about the Vezelay route. Bon Courage!

    Michèle (Ottawa) Canada

  2. I have a very similar photo.... but the middle part of the sign says "Voie du Puy-en-Velay" instead!
